Safety for Operational Supervisors - A.J. Verduijn - Paperback (9789491595417)

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This course book serves as a preparation for the Safety for Operational Supervisors (SOS-SCC) exam (Veiligheid voor Operationeel Leidinggevenden VOL-VCA) and is based on the latest qualifications needed for you to succeed. In eight chapters you will be guided step by step through the learning material. The following topics are discussed. - VCA and legislation - Risks and prevention - Fire and explosion - Hazardous substances - Equipment - Specific activities and circumstances - Electricity - Prevention Each chapter is clearly structured and concludes with a summary and a self test. A portion of each self test consists of exam questions. This method allows you to get used to the way questions are asked during the official SOS-SCC exams. When you have finished all the chapters in this order you may start the pre-exam in chapter 9. When you are able to achieve a good result for this pre-exam, you will be ready to participate in the exam Safety for Operational Supervisors SOS-SCC.


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