The gun under roses - Joseph Kwabena Osei - ebook

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It is worthless to offer your life as a ransomed sacrifice in the name of false love. False love nourishes us with the bread of sorrows. It is the spiritual sophisticated weaponry instituted within mankind for mass destruction by the devil. False love is nothing, but 'sthe Gun under Roses.'s All the atrocities caused in the name of love are the attribute of false love. To be engaged in marriage, love and sex relationships with the Ego'ss mindless tantamount to sitting on a timing bomb. Alike, any ideology by which initially, love is its manipulated language and eventually results in counter- productive and hatred is classified as 'sthe Gun under Roses. This lovely book, 'sThe Gun under Roses's is of much significant to the human race. It highlights mankind, how to distinguish between the killer false love and the true love that nourishes us with the bread of life. Natural love creates no miseries. 'sWe live, but once.'s Life is very precious. We are born free, but lack of awareness we sell our freedom to false love to be incarcerated. It is better to be awakened before making a life time commitment in marriage, love and sex relationships. If you want to live, learn how to live. To avoid atrocities caused in the name of love, and to inherit the 'sliving Heaven's bewitching marriage, love and sex relationships, learn how to love unconditionally. The power of love conquers all.


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