Wings I never saw - Grace Mweenge - Paperback (9789403650845)

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Grace Mweenge, being happy that her parents named her Grace because she has seen the Grace of God in her life. She is the second born in the family of 4. My parents were John Mweenge and Sylvia Nkhoma. Both her parents are deceased. Mom and Dad divorced when she was very young. She came to her mother's homeland in Lundazi district, where she got married to Mr Humphrey Alex Banda. He took her in as his own child, he is also deceased. Grace was born on the 1st of April 1987. She likes cooking and it gives her always joy when people compliments her cooking. She likes her house neat and clean. Next to this Grace likes good music, music that gives her a good vibe. She likes traveling and is glad that her NGO work for people with albinism is offering that.


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