23 Things They Don'st Tell You About Capitalism - Ha-Joon Chang - Paperback (9780141047973)

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Ha-Joon Chang's "23 Things They Don'st Tell You About Capitalism" turns received economic wisdom on its head to show you how the world really works. In this revelatory book, Ha-Joon Chang destroys the biggest myths of our times and shows us an alternative view of the world, including: there's no such thing as a 'sfree's market Globalization isn'st making the world richer; we don'st live in a digital world - the washing machine has changed lives more than the internet; poor countries are more entrepreneurial than rich ones; higher paid managers don'st produce better results; and we don'st have to accept things as they are any longer. Ha-Joon Chang is here to show us there's a better way. Ha-Joon Chang is a Reader in the Political Economy of Development at the University of Cambridge. He is author of "Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective", which won the 2003 Gunnar Myrdal Prize, and "Bad Samaritans: Rich Nations", "Poor Policies" and the "Threat to the Developing World". Since the beginning of the 2008 economic crisis, he has been a regular contributor to the "Guardian", and a vocal critic of the failures of our economic system.


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