Emergent gravity from discrete geometry - Koenraad M.L.L. van Spaendonck - Paperback (9789402158601)

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Compiling his know-how in concept formation from Integrated Product Design [IPD] into Integrated Quantum Design [IQD], product designer Koenraad Van Spaendonck [Alumnus University of Antwerp UA 1995] constructs a discrete geometry as the basis for emergent gravity : Discrete Contracting Coordinates [ DCC ]. This new mathematical model resides in a Euclidean environment, from which the emergent non-Euclidean mathematical model of spacetime can be derived. A specific translation from specific polar coordinates to curved surfaces is at the basis of this interpretation. Emergent Gravity from Discrete Geometry : EG from DG. This work refers to the previous publication of the author - June 2015 " General Quantum Gravity - Version 1.1 " .


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