Mindfulness (E-boek) - Edel Maex - eBook (9789401423373)

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This book teaches you how to find peace and clarity within yourself. Even if life itself does not grant you that peace, mindfulness helps you to overcome stress and unrest instead of getting lost in them. Mindfulness finds its origins in Buddhist meditation techniques. Instead of trying to achieve goals that lie far ahead in the future, mindfulness teaches you to be present in the moment, with a compassionate and open mind. This book, consisting of short and airy texts, follows the eight weeks of the traditional stress reduction program as it was developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of the mindfulness movement. Based on his many years of experience as a psychiatrist, Edel Maex has written a clear, concise and heartfelt guide to mindfulness that will help you to deal differently with the unavoidable agitations of life.


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